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6th July 2023
Webinar: Gaining UKAS accreditation to report using whole slide images

PathLAKE Plus was pleased to host a Webinar on 27th June 2023  on gaining UKAS accreditation to report using whole slide images. Paul Chenery (Quality, Training and Transformation Manager) and David Clark (Consultant Hematopathologist) shared their experiences and the lessons learned at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - the first NHS Trust within the PathLAKE Plus Consortium to accomplish UKAS accreditation for primary diagnosis. 

The Quality and Cellular Pathology Teams at Nottingham deserve congratulations on their excellent work and this significant achievement. Having now been through the process, Paul Chenery and David Clark review what they went through during that time to disseminate the lessons learned and help other NHS Trusts undergoing this process.

Visit the PathLAKE YouTube channel here to watch a recording of the webinar.


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